iDEC 2023 | OUC_DE
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We have built a bistable switch to control the rate at which cells take up a metabolite from the environment[1] and are preparing to mutate the araC and tetR genes responsible for regulating the switch. Our goal is to screen for the most effective and sensitive switches by detecting downstream toxic proteins and fluorescent signals to aid in different applications of bistable switches(figure 12).

Figure 12

Gene regulatory switch. Act as a sign of evolution gene3 can be replaced with GFP . The change of gene1, gene2 and gene3 can be used to regulate various metabolic production pathways.Directed evolution of the ribosome binding site may also be one of the ways to optimize the switch
Other Researchers have knocked out genes such as pfkA, pfkB, zwf, galR, and galS in E. coli, and introduced galU and kfiD genes to enable them to activate the galactose pathway and reduce the amount of glucose entering respiratory metabolism, enabling them to efficiently utilize glucose and galactose to synthesize the rate limiting product UDP-glucuronic acid in the hyaluronic acid production pathway, thereby efficiently synthesizing hyaluronic acid. [2] Our designed switch aims to further optimize this strategy. We will conduct experiments in E. coli producing HA to achieve artificial control between the cell's growth and production modes.
We have spent a lot of time modifying E. coli k12 to enable it to undergo the next step of directed evolution. However, we did not successfully transfer the designed plasmid into E. coli K 12. Many times of DNA agarose gel recovery, digestion and reconnection have made the concentration of our target DNA segments too low. However, after computer prediction, we believe that the introduction of gene regulation switches into the directed evolution process may help the biosynthesis of E. coli.
The algorithm we constructed for predicting whether a protein is a DNA binding protein and evaluating its binding strength, and used it to simulate mutations in AraC and TetR proteins to improve protein DNA binding efficiency, reduce switch leakage, and increase switch performance.

Figure 13

AraC-DNA binding site before (yellow) and after (blue) mutation.
Since the algorithm cannot specify the site where the protein binds DNA, certain changes to the DNA binding site occur before and after AraC mutation (Figure 8), so the algorithm needs to control the number of mutation sites to reduce the influence of binding site movement. Although the AraC and DNA binding sites are changed, they are still in the region of the operon-binding repressor protein, so the model can be considered valid


[1] Oyarzún DA, Chaves M. Design of a bistable switch to control cellular uptake. J R Soc Interface. 2015 Dec 6;12(113):20150618. PMID: 26674196; PMCID: PMC4707844.
[2] Woo JE, Seong HJ, Lee SY, Jang YS. Metabolic Engineering of Escherichia coli for the Production of Hyaluronic Acid From Glucose and Galactose. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2019 Nov 21;7:351. PMID: 31824939; PMCID: PMC6881274.