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2023/6/1 L.J.H. Z.S.L. lenti-X-293 cells were seeded in 15 cm-dish at the confluency of 70-80%. 9 genes overexpressed lentivirus were obtained.
2023/6/3 L.J.H. Z.S.L. The media was substituted with 10.5 mL pre-warmed DMEM medium (Invitrogen) 2 hours before transfection. To each plate, the medium was mixed with pLVX-EF1a-IRESPuro or vector control plasmid, pCMVR8.74, pMD2.G and polybrene. Following a brief vortex, the mixture was incubated for 15 minutes at room temperature and then added drop by drop slowly to cells. 6 hours later, DMEM media was substituted with 20 mL pre-warmed DMEM media. 9 genes overexpressed lentivirus were obtained.
2023/6/5 L.J.H. Q.X.R Gathered the viral supernatant. 9 genes overexpressed lentivirus were obtained.
2023/6/9 L.J.H. Q.X.R. K.L.Y. Viral supernatant were subsequently filtered with a 0.40 mm filter (Fisher / VWR) to eliminate cell debris, and finally concentrated using AmiconUltra 100 kD ultracentrifugation units (Millipore). The virus was divided into smaller portions and stored at -80℃. 9 genes overexpressed lentivirus were obtained.
2023/6/10 L.J.H. K.L.Y. Z.S.L. NK cells that overexpressed MTCH2, METAP1, CHODL, CISD1, CCDC68, SLC19A2, SHANK1, DGKZ, and CES5A were injected in mice(1×107/mouse) via tail vein on day 7, 14 and 21 after tumor establishment.
2023/6/11 Z.S.L. Y.X.L Suspend the cells with complete medium. Determine the density of cells in the plate (96-well plate is usually 4000 cells/well, 100 μL/ well). Repeat in 3 wells for each group. Observe the cell density of each experimental group under the microscope. Culture in the cell incubator for 24 hours. Infected NK cells with the lentivirus
2023/6/13 Z.S.L. Y.X.L. Infect 5×107~1×108 cells (245 mm×245mm plate to spread cells) with the Functional MOI=0.4. Meanwhile, set up 2 parallel infection experiments as well as a blank control group (virus-free). Infected NK cells with the lentivirus